# Changelog swaudit ## [] - 2025-01-23 - checking if Get-appxPackage call exists and if not skipping appx data collection. (Nils Doerrer ) ## [] - 2024-09-07 ### Fixed - On windows 10 on arm there may be packages for architecture arm64. For example: Microsoft.UI.Xaml.CBS_8.2207.29001.0_arm64__8wekyb3d8bbwe found on parallels01-m2.uib.local According to OTW13 is arm64 an allowed architecture in opsi but we get an error (Bad architecture: 'arm64') if we try to write this to the backend. Workaround: In swauditlib_win.opsiscript: getAppxDetails: In case of architecture="arm64" we use architecture="" (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2024-09-07 ### Fixed - On windows 8 there may be packages for architecture arm. For example: Microsoft.VCLibs.120.00_12.0.21005.1_arm__8wekyb3d8bbwe found on bwfscwin8x64e.uib.local According to OTW13 is arm not an allowed architecture in opsi (right now) and so we get an error (Bad architecture: 'arm') if we try to write this to the backend. Workaround: In swauditlib_win.opsiscript: getAppxDetails: In case of architecture="arm" we use architecture="" (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2024-07-17 ### Changed - Enhance Performance for appx and msix packages (detlef oertel ) - remove property win_get_appx_data bool (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2024-06-25 ### Changed - Remove keyfinder (Jan Schneider ) ## [] - 2024-05-25 ### Fixed - Fix for appx and msix packages (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2024-05-07 ### Changed - Added appx and msix packages via powershell (detlef oertel ) - new property win_get_appx_data bool (default=false)If true get the Appx and Msix Data but this takes some minutes (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2023-10-24 ### Changed - Added "windowsmode" ProductProperty to control behavior of opsi-script window (Nils Doerrer ) ## [] - 2023-05-20 ### Changed - give "windows 11" as name if it is windows 11 (detlef oertel ) - opsi-script >= needed (for getMsVersionName) (detlef oertel ) - default for property win10subversion is now: win10osbuild (detlef oertel ) - code cleanup (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2021-10-19 ### Fixed - Find correct Win10 Release IDs (e.g. 20H2) ; fixes #4692 (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2021-02-15 ### Changed - avoid invalid json objects (detlef oertel ) - macos: check if Info.plist is text file (detlef oertel ) - macos: search for Info.plist only in /Applications/*/Info.plist (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2020-06-10 ### Changed - mark linux and mac software in subversion data field (detlef oertel ) - code cleanup and beautify (detlef oertel ) - avoid warnings at debian (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2020-03-17 ### Fixed - reintegrate fixes from (detlef oertel ) - reintegrate fixes from (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2020-02-12 ### Changed - macos integration extended (detlef oertel ) - code redesign with defined functions (detlef oertel ) ### Fixed - shellInAnIcon_deb: no rc state pakages: fixes: #4402 (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2020-02-06 ### Changed - macos integration (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2019-04-01 ### Changed - new product property win10subversionvalues: ["win10osbuild", "hklmproductid"]default: ["hklmproductid"]hklmproductid showrsa begin of HKLM\Software\Mscrosoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion] ProductId (for example 00330-71317)win10osbuild shows OS Build as found on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10/release-information on on Win10 , Win 2016 , Win2019 from "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "CurrentBuild" and "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "UBR" (bardo wolf ) ## [] - 2018-07-02 ### Fixed - try to fix #2018062810000028 wmic fails with "Beschreibung = Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten." but powershell seems to work (bardo wolf ) ## [] - 2018-04-19 ### Changed - new property include_win_hotfixes (default=true) (detlef oertel ) - if wmic call for hotfixes failed retry with powershell (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2017-09-06 ### Changed - use of property 'max loglevel' modified (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2017-09-06 ### Fixed - fix version in Linux swaudit (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2017-09-01 ### Changed - integrate Linux swaudit (detlef oertel ) - append win10 ReleaseId to displayversion of windows (detlef oertel ) - onyly one Logline per product (detlef oertel ) - Use in service mode %opsiserviceUser% as $clientId$ (detlef oertel ) - windows 10 version is now 10 (not 6.3 (from registry)) (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2017-01-25 ### Changed - max loglevel property added to create the option of limiting log file size (rupert roeder ) ## [] - 2016-12-08 ### Fixed - fix problems with quatations in uninstall key ( #2481) (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2016-10-12 ### Changed - trim entries to DB field length (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2016-10-12 ### Fixed - fix for readfromfile (detlef oertel ) - mask single quotes by double single quotes before sending (detlef oertel ) ## [] - 2016-10-05 ### Changed - code cleanup (detlef oertel ) - complete redesign of webservice connection (detlef oertel ) - requires opsi-scrip 4.11.6 (detlef oertel ) ### Removed - removed opsi3 support (detlef oertel ) - cleanup removed property extended_search (detlef oertel ) - removed win2k support (detlef oertel ) - usekeyfinder now has default off (detlef oertel ) - new property debug_send: Send data using one serviceall per object (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0.6-3] - 2015-06-29 ### Changed - use new opsi-script functions if possible:isValidUtf8String(str:string) : boolean;getFixedUtf8String(str:string) : string; (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0.6-2] - 2015-11-25 ### Removed - removed property extended_search (was working on xp only) (bardo wolf ) ## [4.0.6-1] - 2015-10-29 ### Changed - back to /saveini instead of savecsv "%SCRIPTPATH%\keyfinder\keyfinder.exe" /close /saveini "c:\opsi.org\tmp\" /file "swaudit_keys.ini (bardo wolf ) ## [4.0.5-3] - 2015-06-29 ### Fixed - Script fixes for win10 (detlef oertel ) - Go back to old but open source keyfinder (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0.6-1] - 2015-04-07 ### Changed - Updated keyfinder. (Niko Wenselowski ) ## [4.0.5-2] - 2014-11-12 ### Fixed - Fix handling of keys containing quotation marks (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0.5-1] - 2014-08-01 ### Fixed - Fix writing to long entries in sub_create_hash4 by adding to all string values something like "name="+strPart($name$,"1","99") (detlef oertel ) - codecleanup (detlef oertel ) - changelog to control file (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0.2-3] - 2013-08-05 ### Fixed - Fix duplicate entry: truncating all parts of the primary key to their max length in the DB: "name="+strPart($name$,"1","99") (detlef oertel ) - ScriptErrorMessages = off (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0.2-2] - 2012-12-06 ### Changed - switch to ekeyfinder (https://sourceforge.net/projects/ekeyfinder/) (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0.2-1] - 2012-08-10 ### Changed - code cleanup (detlef oertel ) - remove all opsi 3 stuff (detlef oertel ) - use opsi-winst 4.11.3 methods (detlef oertel ) - extended search off by default (no data at NT6) (detlef oertel ) - replace delete by del (detlef oertel ) - replace c:\tmp by c:\opsi.org\tmp (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-15] - 2012-05-11 ### Changed - new property: readfromfile to switch off audit and use the filebuffer files insteadONLY DEBUG - do not use if you are not shure what you doing! (Do not make a audit but read values from c:\tmp and send them) (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-14] - 2012-04-26 ### Fixed - workaround for bug#354 (set version to '' if zero) deleted becaus it is fixed (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-13] - 2012-03-15 ### Changed - set version to '' if zero - workaround for bug#354 (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-12] - 2011-11-29 ### Changed - new property: usekeyfinder to switch off keyfinder call (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-11] - 2011-11-04 ### Changed - ' are now escaped (rupert roeder ) ## [4.0-10] - 2011-11-04 ### Changed - bugfix, displayname was not newly read (rupert roeder ) ## [4.0-9] - 2011-11-03 ### Changed - if displayname contains a ' char the part of the name starting with ' is eliminated (rupert roeder ) ## [4.0-8] - 2011-10-18 ### Changed - internal switch for readfromfile (only for debugging: send file data over service) (detlef oertel ) - new property usefilebuffer (dirty workaround for strange not handled control chars) (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-7] - 2011-01-21 ### Fixed - retrun failed if write back to server fails workaoround for #219; fixes #218 (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-6] - 2010-11-15 ### Changed - possibility to write results to file (detlef oertel ) - sub_get_windows_info works now also at win2k (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-5] - 2010-09-27 ### Changed - Using ms product id for subVersion field (Jan Schneider ) ## [4.0-4] - 2010-09-15 ### Changed - added property to control use of slowinfocache (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-3] - 2010-08-31 ### Changed - integrating wmic call for nt6 hotfixes (detlef oertel ) - LogLevel optimized (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-2] - 2010-08-24 ### Changed - bugfix: for opsi 3: ending '}' was set before sub_get_windows_info (detlef oertel ) - bugfix: for opsi 3: integrated convert2json (detlef oertel ) ### Removed - bugfix: for opsi 3: double "" removed (detlef oertel ) - bugfix: for opsi 3: Opsiservicecall with '' instead of "" (detlef oertel ) - bugfix: for opsi 3: no mor recompose of uninstallstring (detlef oertel ) - 'last used' and 'usage frequency' removed referring to data privacy compliance (detlef oertel ) - added: support for win2k (without reg command) (detlef oertel ) ### Fixed - bugfix: ends with fatalError if service call fails, fixes #81 (detlef oertel ) ## [4.0-1] - 2010-05-11 ### Changed - using winst only (swaudit4.ins) (detlef oertel ) ## [1.3-4] - 2009-09-04 ### Changed - Added log file (Jan Schneider ) ## [1.3-4] - 2009-09-04 ### Changed - Added log file (Jan Schneider ) ## [1.3-3] - 2009-08-04 ### Changed - Compiled using py2exe (Jan Schneider ) ## [1.3-2] - 2009-05-17 ### Changed - exe-Version mit eingeschaltetem DEBUG (Erol Ueluekmen ) ## [1.3-1] - 2009-04-09 ### Changed - exe-Version (Erol Ueluekmen ) ## [1.2.3-3] - 2009-03-16 ### Changed - get installed os (Jan Schneider ) - some bugfixes in charset de/encoding (Jan Schneider )